Special Events

During the year St. Matthew’s hosts a number of concerts, recitals, celebrations and other special events. Some events merit their own slide show and these are featured below.

Highlights of 2017 activities

2017 began with the very enjoyable and successful 7th annual Crab Feed on January 28. At this time, the congregation said good-bye to Elizabeth Karp who had served as Office Administrator for just over 10 years. On February 5th the congregation said farewell to Samuel Palmer who had served as Cantor for the last several years. Ash Wednesday was observed with a joint lunch and service at St. Francis Lutheran Church.

Highlights of 2016 activities

On September 7, Bishop Heinrich Bedford-Strohm attended a Kaffeeklatsch at St. Matthew’s and spoke about the 500th anniversary of the Reformation which will be celebrated in 2017. On Sunday, September 11, 2016, the congregation of St. Matthew’s donated a number of cakes to First Responders in San Francisco in memory of those who gave their lives in 2001 and to thank current members for their service to the community. The German Accordion Orchestra performed Classic, Pop, Rock and Folk music at a concert on October 8.  Roland Voit, renowned German organist, presented the Church Year in music, playing the music of Bach, Mendelssohn, Reger, Karg-Elert and Voit, in a magnificent performance on October 16. Martin and Katie Luther attended the Reformation Day services on October 30. The Oakland Turnverein choir sang Schubert’s beautiful mass in the service on November 6th. Once again, St. Nicholas attended St. Matthew’s on December 4th to the delight of young and old alike!

Pipe Organ Restoration and Rededication, September 7, 2016

On Wednesday, September 7, 2016, Bishop Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, Council President of the Evangelical Church in Germany, blessed St. Matthew’s newly restored historic pipe organ during a festive celebration and organ recital. Special guests included Bishop Mark Holmerud of the Sierra Pacific Synod of the ELCA, Deputy Consul, German Consulate General of San Francisco, Johannes Bloos, Jack Bethards, President and Tonal Director of the Schoenstein Organ Company, organist Luke Mayernik and donors to the project. A longer description of the restoration project is given in the Photo Gallery section of this web site.

The Annual Church Picnic is held early in September at @ 3115 Butters Drive, Oakland, CA. The outdoor service is followed by a Potluck meal and a very enjoyable time is had by all those in attendance.

A very enjoyable event is the Annual Crab Feed held early in the new year.

Highlights of 2014 and 2015

The Holiday Season at St. Matthew’s begins with a concert by the Damenchor Liederkranz at the beginning of Advent. The Freundschaft Liederkranz makes a guest appearance at these concerts. On December 3, 2014 the renowned Boys’ Choir from the Augsburg Cathedral filled the sanctuary with their beautiful voices. St. Matthew’s organist, Dave DeAngelis, and his friend, Sam Post, performed in a recital of organ and piano music on December 5, 2014 and on Saturday, December 6, the parking lot of St. Matthew’s was transformed into an authentic German Weihnachtsmarkt featuring pony rides, gluhwein, crafts, live music, and carol singing. Each year the Golden Gate Men’s Chorus presents concerts of inspiring Christmas music during December. Duo Boheme performed in June 2014 and Musae also gave a concert. St. Nicholas visited on December 6, 2015 and delighted the children and Christmas Eve was celebrated by many.

Installation of Pastor Weidmann

On Sunday, September 14, 2014, the Rev. Kerstin Weidmann was installed as Pastor of St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church. It was a joyous celebration attended by guest clergy, members of the congregation and many friends. The rite of installation was performed by the Rev. Susan Strouse, Dean of the San Francisco Conference of the Sierra Pacific Synod of the ELCA; the preacher was the Rev. Dr. Diane Bowers, pastor of  St. James Lutheran Church, San Leandro. The Rev. Kay Grindberg, as Assistant to the Bishop, brought greetings.  The service was followed by a reception.










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